How did this come to be?

That we elect people to control our destiny.

And they botch the job so horribly

But we can’t fire them, because they’re in charge of “we”.

So instead, in a bunch of years we “vote” them back in

And the vicious cycle, once again begins

And we cry and complain while anarchy’s tendrils take root.

But you’re not protected because the police don’t give a hoot

Political correctness has destroyed the land of the free

Because now people aren’t allowed to just be

They’ll be labeled a racist, a bigot, a phobe, and hanged by rope

Oh God, is there any hope?

But there is no God, because that too does offend

And there’s no justice if there’s no way to defend

Time and life will continue to go

As you pretend that everything is status quo

So sit at home and consume the media your fed

And keep your head in the ground until you’re buried and dead.